Saturday, October 15, 2011

The Power of Forgiveness

When someone hurts us or commits a wrong against us, forgiveness is the farthest thing from our minds. When someone hurts us, we want to hang on to anger, resentment, and the idea of getting revenge, but we will be the one to pay pay by not forgiving.
If we do not learn to forgive, then we will loose our peace, gratitude and joy. When we hold on to resentment, anger, bitterness and vengeance, then there is no room for peace, hope and joy.
Forgiveness has to be our decision and we have to be ready to let go of all the resentment and thoughts of revenge. Once we make the decision to forgive, we will find that the bitterness and anger will release it's hold on us, so that we can focus on more important and positive areas of our lives. Forgiveness can lead us to understanding, empathy and compassion.
Forgiveness doesn't mean that we are denying or ignoring the act or the person's part in hurting us or justifying the wrong done to us. We can forgive the person without excusing the act/wrong done to us. Forgiveness is for us, and to bring healing and peace into our lives.
Forgiving allows us to let go of the bitterness, anger and grudges, and allows compassion, kindness, peace and joy to enter into our lives.
Unforgiveness allows anger and bitterness to control us and infect every area of our lives. It can cause us to become anxious and depressed, and feel that our life is missing meaning and purpose. Holding on to unforgiveness will keep us stuck in the past, and stop us from enjoying the present.
Forgiveness is a decision of committing to forgive; to realize the value and importance of forgiving in our lives.We should look at the act/situation of the hurt/wrong done to us; our reactions to it; how it has affected us, our life, our health and well-being. When we are ready to forgive, we must release our role as a victim, then we will be released from the control and power of the situation/wrong and the offender has over us and our life.
Forgiveness can be very hard, especially if the person doesn't admit their hurtful or wrong deeds and feels no sorrow for their actions. We may need to look back on times we have hurt or wronged others, and they forgave us. Forgiveness has the positive power to increase our integrity, peace and well-being.
Forgiveness may or may not lead to reconciliation, but even if reconciliation is impossible, Forgiveness is necessary.
Forgiveness is not for getting others to change; or change their actions, behavior or words. Forgiveness is about how it changes our life, by bringing peace, happiness and healing. Forgiveness takes away the control and power of that person, and no longer gives them power over us or our life.
If we are the person who has hurt or wronged someone, then we need to be the one to ask for forgiveness. We need to admit our wrong, do it with a sincere heart, tell them of our sorrow and regret for our actions, behavior and/or words; and specifically ask for forgiveness, without making excuses.
We cannot force someone to forgive us, that is their choice and their right. All we can do is acknowledge and admit our faults and mistakes, ask for forgiveness, then learn from our mistakes and do not do a repeat performance. We need to commit to treating others with respect, empathy and compassion.

"Forgive and you shall be Forgiven"
Matthew 6:14

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