Friday, September 30, 2011

The Most Dangerous Weapon in the World

Can you name the most dangerous weapon in the world? With today's technology we have numerous weapons of all types; knives, guns, jets, tanks, bombs, etc.. Did you know that none of these weapons are the most dangerous to man-kind?
The most dangerous weapon in the world has started wars, brought nation against nation, ruined relationships, destroyed friendships, wrecked homes, caused failures & destruction, destroyed so many lives and has caused more hatred than any other weapon. The most dangerous weapon has been around since the beginning of man.
The "TONGUE" is the most dangerous weapon in the world!!! The tongue has the power of life and death, the power to build up or to tear down, the power to make or break, the power to curse or bless.
We are always running our mouths, as my Dad would say, "flapping your tongue at both ends", without ever thinking about what we are allowing our tongue to throw out there. It is like the Internet, once you put it in cyberspace you can never delete it or retrieve it and that is the way our words are. Once you say something you can not delete it or take it back.
When you go to a ballgame, you root & cheer for your team, encouraging them to do their best & to win. You do not shout to them how sorry they are or things that will discourage them, break them down or set them up to fail. When you go to visit someone who is sick, you give them encouragement to get well, not stand there downing them, discouraging them & throw death in their face.
Have you ever stopped to think about your every day conversations to your family, friends, co-workers and even strangers? Have you ever realized that everything starts with words? You go to wake your child, first thing, you talk to them. You go to do a business deal, it starts with words, not just jumping to the paperwork.
Every friendship or fight starts with words that the tongue throws out there. Even the creation of the universe started with the Word of God, speaking the universe into existence.
A little boy lived everyday with his parents telling him how bad, worthless and useless he was, and that he would never amount to anything. After years of hearing this from his parents the boy ran away, become a drug addict, homeless & living on the streets, all because he thought his parents were right about what they were telling him & they would be happier without him. Now here are the parents wondering why he ran away, and now they are playing the poor-parent pity party. The negative words of the parents destroyed the boy mentally & emotionally. Be careful what you say to others because it will come back on you one day.
The power of our words are really unbelievable and can change the course of our life and other's lives. Even the words we speak about ourselves, our life and our situations can make or break us. When I was working I remember a story that I used to help women build up their self-esteem. "There was a lady not very pretty and over weight but she told herself and everyone she met just how special she was, how beautiful she was, how amazing she was, on and on and on with all the positive statements about herself. She encouraged herself so much that she began to believe it without a doubt and she became a world wide TV Star. If Miss Piggy can encourage herself into world fame, then what is our problem?" You can give yourself encouraging words, when no one else will.
When you talk positive to your mate that encourages them to be the best but when you dog-them-out and down-grade them then you are not giving them any reason to work at being a better mate. When you talk to your child do you build them up for success by encouraging them and praising them? Or do you set them up for failure by telling them how bad and worthless they are? Are you speaking curses or blessings over you child? A parent's words to a child is burned into their brain for the rest of their lives and it constantly replays in the memory, over and over like a tape-recording. No matter what you do there is NO way to remove those words or take them back, once you say them. The damage is done!!!
There are so many ways the tongue can cause devastation and destruction, to others as well as to ourselves, and most of the time we do not even realize it. We must realize that one careless word can create everlasting damage. Our words can also ruin our appearance, our personality and our reputation just as words can defile us. You can be very beautiful but your words can make you ugly and defiled to others around you.
The TONGUE exposes just what kind of person we are!!! The tongue can save us or destroy us, and only we can chose to control our tongue/destiny. God warns us of 7sins, which 3 of them are concerning the tongue. The tongue will expose whether we have good or evil in our hearts.
"Death and Life are in the power of the tongue", Proverbs 18:21. "For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned", Matt. 12:36-37.
What type of tongue do you have? Or how many of these tongues do you have? Be honest!!!
                        Types of Tongues
Cursing: to use profanity; to bring evil on someone.                           
Critical:  fault finding of others.
Slanderous:  telling a falsehood that damages another's reputation.    
Lying:  not truthful.
Proud:  arrogant; haughty;(blowing your own horn)                           
Flattering:  to praise insincerely.
Overused:  used to much in the wrong way                                      
Swift:  to quick to speak.
Backbiting: to slander someone behind their                                    
Piercing:  offensive; insulting.
Tale Bearing: to spread hurtful information.                                     
Gossipy: one who talks about others.
Silent: not speaking up & telling about Jesus every chance you get is a sin.  

If you do not use your tongue for blessing, edifying (building up), glorifying and praising, you are better off to have your tongue removed before it destroys you.
"Death and Life are in the power of the tongue", Proverbs 18:21.
"For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned", Matt. 12:36-37.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Think First, You Last

Have you ever thought about the choices you have made down through your life time? More importantly did you stop & think of how your choices would effect others? Or did you have the attitude "It is your life, your choice & no one's business what you do"?
We make decisions & choices, whether good or bad, that effect so many people, not just ourselves. Whether you realize it or not every decision or choice we make affects multitudes of people, from your mate, your children, your family, friends, community & even people from afar that we do not even realize are connected to our future. The decisions or choices we make have the effect of dominoes falling or the snowball rolling down a hill.
A person decides to rob a store out of a selfish or a stupid reason. How many people do you think this will affect? Just the robber & the store owner? WRONG! It causes devastation, fear & financial loss to the store owner & their family. It also causes a fear in the community & the community looses the security of safety of going into that store. This also causes the robber's family to be devastated, humiliated, an embarrassment to the community, shame to show their face in public, not to mention the financial destruction of trying to ensure the robber gets a lawyer & the court cost of a trial. The humiliation of the family goes on forever because people never forget the bad that the robber caused so the family is assumed to be guilty by association.
Someone makes a choice to try alcohol or drugs & they like the feeling it gives them so they do it until it becomes a habit & then that leads to an addiction. As the choice was to just try it then it became like a snowball rolling downhill, it gets bigger & bigger until it is to big to be controlled. Then this person becomes unproductive & unable to maintain a normal life or able to comprehend any normalcy of life, caring for their children, working a job, supporting their family with a place to live, utilities or even food in the home. Who does this affect? Children to start with because they are left to raise themselves with no competent parent, no food to eat, no utilities, no decent clean clothes or shoes because their financial support has gone to support the addictions of their parent. Then the grandparents are devastated & humiliated with the choice plus knowing their grandchildren are suffering & the fear of their safety. The community because of the devastation & humility of that one family & then the fear that choice may invade their families by the influence of that bad choice. But of all of this is the children's humiliation, shame & embarrassment of their parent, the lies & excuses the children tell to cover up the truth about their parent, the neglect & abuse (mental & emotional) that the children have to suffer.
These were just 2 examples of choices that you hear of or see all over the US. What about your selfish choices that you think are so little & harmless?
The kids need school clothes & supplies but Daddy has just got to get that new boat, even tho the budget is to tight to do both? Who is going to suffer for that? The kids don't get new clothes & have to go to school looking like their clothes came out of a second-hand store or garbage dump & they don't have the school supplies, snack money or lunch money, so the kids at school make fun of them & fun of the way they look. Dad isn't the one to be humiliated, ashamed & devastated because he has his new boat to parade in front of his friends.
No matter what the decision or choice, good or bad, large or small, it does effect others, starting with you & the ones closes to you & on down the row from there. So before you make a decision or choice, stop & think about all the people it will effect & how it will effect others. Start thinking of the others instead of putting yourself & your selfishness first before you make a decision or choice. THINK FIRST & PUT YOU LAST!!!
Whether you think it is any one's business or not, you are WRONG!!! If you think you are not affecting others around you, why don't you ask them how your choices affect them & how they are made to feel, if you have the guts to hear the real truth of your choices/decisions.
 It is others business because the ones close to you will be paying the price for your stupidity & your selfish decisions & choices!!! THINK FIRST!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Are you what you EAT?

Have you ever thought about the expression "You are what you eat"? The word eat means "to take in or to  consume". We all need to take a look & examine ourselves from the inside out. Most of us think of this expression as what we eat, pertaining to the foods we eat, but there is much more to this expression than we realize.
You know if you eat nothing but BAD foods you will become unhealthy, you also know if you eat GOOD foods you will be healthy. We can all agree on this. But have you ever stopped to think of the others ways you can become unhealthy or ensure that you get healthier? You are what you eat/consume not only by the foods you put in your mouth but also the things you see, hear, say, think, feel & associate your self with.
Stop & think about how you spend the majority of your time & what you are allowing yourself to consume during this time.
If a person thinks of nothing but bad thoughts most of their time awake, then you will find a person who stays in a bad mood, negative, bitter & angry. If a person sits around & thinks of all their problems & of all the bad things that has happened to them, then you will find a person in a negative state of mind having their own little pity party. If you find a person who is always feeling sorry for themselves, wanting attention from others & expecting everyone else to make them happy, then you will find a person who is self-center & self-absorbed. If you find a person who is always looking at the good side of every situation (no matter how bad it is), always thinking good & pleasant thoughts, then you will find a positive & happy person. This is not only true for what we think but so much more.
If a person who is consumed with porn then you could be seeing a person with a sex addiction. If   a person that is consumed with romance novels & movies, then you could be seeing a person who cannot be happy in a relationship because their relationship doesn't stand up to the fairy tale romances they find in the books & movies, that they consume themselves with. If someone is continually consuming horror movies, horror books, horror games & dabbles in the occult, then you could be seeing a person with a very dark side to them. If you have a friend that continually gossips, you participating by listening to the conversation, & it could suck you into the same mind-thought to become a gossip, all because you were consuming the gossip with your ears. If you live with or associate with a person who constantly uses profanity, you will find that hearing their profanity will eventually slip into your thought & out your mouth.
We are human & creatures of habit. We will eventually find ourselves doing, saying, thinking, feeling & beleiving of the things we allow ourselves to be exposed to & continually consume with our mind, eyes, ears, mouth & heart on a continual basis.
This is also true with the type of people we associate with & hang around with. I have seen people in bars that try to fit in by acting like the crowd in the bars but wouldn't dare act that way in public outside of a bar. I have seen people is church that act so holy but once out of church act like the devil himself.  I have seen this in my own life when meeting new people, because I wear blue jeans & boots 7 days a week. One of two things happen: #1; they try to change me into dressing & being like them, or #2; they run out & buy jeans & boots & try to be like me. Be your own self, do NOT be conformed of this world & the people around you!
Everyone would be a better person if we would only step back & examine ourselves, from the inside out on a regular basis. Get rid of the BAD we consume & consume the GOOD. I challenge you to to examine yourself & see if what I have written is true or false, & also to test my observation in your own life.
If you will try this for 30 days you will see a BIG transformation of a healthier, happier & more positive person, that you will come to love & be proud of. You will also see your life transformed into something spectacular.
Please do not take me wrong, "I am far from being perfect"!!! Any of you out there that thinks you are perfect please send me your address so I can come watch you walk on water, heal the sick, end world hunger, make world peace & perform miracles. The only person I know that is that perfect died on the cross because of our ignorance & our love of sin/evil.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Are you a LADY or a FREE Sample?

God created everyone equal but by our own free choice we have chosen to ignore God's word & downsize our importance & degrade our selves, especially the women of today. How can men or our children respect us when we do not respect ourselves, have no morals, no values and no decency?
As I have traveled all over, I have been disturbed and disappointed with the female race of today's society. Come on ladies, "what is your problem"? It is as if the females of today need electric shock therapy to the brain to make you wake up & open your eyes.
Everywhere I go I continually meet females allowing worthless men destroying their lives & the lives of their children. Females trying to support worthless lazy men that refuse to work or self-centered men who do work live in the house without contributing to the support of the household. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with stay at home Dads as long as they contribute by caring for the children, the home & the ladies when the lady is the money-maker in the family. What is so bad with this lifestyle is the effects & the devastation it is having on our children. Wake up ladies, for your children's sake!!! It is sickening & heart breaking to see children with no decent chance of a respectable life cause Mommy had rather put a sorry man over her own child/children. It really upsets me to see women allowing their children to do without, being neglected, abused in some cases & with not having a decent chance in life at all because of their Mother's choices.
Come on ladies, get some self-respect, some dignity, some morals, some decent values & start putting your children before some worthless excuse of a man!!! Men will come & men will go but your child will always be your child!!! Don't get on the anger wagon or on your pity party when your child/children grow up to chose a bad lifestyle because after all if you live a bad life & do NOT teach them respect & morals by example then how can you expect your child/children to know any better or live any better than what they have seen Mommy do?
Come on ladies, wake up & see what you are doing to your children & what kind of life you are leading them to live!!!
I hear women say "but I can't find a good man". That is because you have lowered your standards & accept less than you deserve. If you would stop laying on your backs with your legs up in the air like a TV antenna, then maybe you could find a GOOD man like God intended for you & men would stop treating you like free samples at the grocery store. As the old saying goes, "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free"? There is allot of truth to that saying but the worst of it all is that YOUR child/children are paying the price for Mommy handing out free samples.
Before you start sending me ugly emails/messages, stop & think, "Does this pertain to you & is it hitting home"? So before you start stomping on me for what I see going on all over the USA see if this shoe fits you or someone you know.