Monday, October 17, 2011

No Half-Ways or Grays

I have been dogged, cursed, judged and trashed because I try to live my life by the rule there is no gray areas in life, just black or white, right or wrong, and NO in between. It doesn't bother me like it once did, because I have realized that the people who do these things to me are the very ones who are trying to cover up their bad character and behavior. Them trying to trash me, is their way of trying to get others attention off of them and onto me, so others do not see just what kind of person they truly are and the wrongs they are committing in their life and to others.
To me it is like the saying; either you're pregnant or you're not, no in between. You are either right or wrong, there is no in between. White/Right or Black/Wrong!!! NO gray areas, just as there is no place between Heaven or Hell!!!
There is no way you can be faithful while being unfaithful. It is impossible to tell the truth while lying. Some use the expression of telling half-truths but there is no such thing; either you are telling the entire truth or it is a total lie; no half-ways on either.
You cannot be committed and uncommitted at the same time, because one cancels out the other. It is like putting dirty clothes on a clean body, dirty cancels out the clean, and vice-verse. You are completely clean or completely dirty.
If you lie, are unreliable, untrustworthy, destructive, wasteful, etc., then how do you expect others to have any respect for you or trust in you? How do you expect others to see you as a good person when you have nothing but bad characteristics and bad behavior?
Negative characteristics and behavior tells just what kind of person you truly are, no matter how good of a game you play, or how much fertilizer you throw around, or how much you blow your own horn. When it comes down to the nitty-gritty, actions speaks louder than words, and exposes the real truth about you. Long term  evidence is the  proof of everything, whether good or bad.
It is like trying to take a pile of dog crap, place it on a plate, cover it with chocolate cake icing and trying to convince everyone that it is chocolate cake. It may look like chocolate cake and smell like chocolate icing but it is still dog crap! There is NO way to change it into a real chocolate cake, and the truth will eventually come out, no matter how hard you try to convince people or lie about it.
When someone gives you a song and dance about being broke, can't pay their bills and in dire need, what is their words telling you, but what are their actions truly telling you? Yes, some people may need help every now and then, and there is nothing wrong with helping them, but is their need constant? Are they making every effort to find a job? Are they thrifty with what money they do get or are they wasteful, lazy and just looking for a free ride? Actions are the proof of it all, and words are just air blowing into the wind.
If you are in a room and you have the light on, everything is visible and you can see and move around with no problem. Turn the light off and it becomes dark, unable to see and unable to move around without stumbling. That is the way life is. When you keep everything out, in the open, and in the light for everyone to see, you seem to be more conscience of the things you say and do. But as soon as you try to keep things hidden and keep things in the dark, you start to say and do things that you know is wrong and a lie, while trying to deceive others, you are deceiving yourself. If you wouldn't do or say things in the open for the whole world to see and hear, then you know you are wrong, and trying to keep things a hidden and in the dark, which is destroying you, your life, your integrity and the good characteristics inside of you.
If you are ashamed to do what you do in the open for the whole world to see, then why are you doing it? It doesn't matter how small or how great it is, it will eventually come to light and be exposed. So if you don't want to be exposed and come out into the light, then it's simple; "Don't Do It and Don't Say It".
There are NO gray areas, No half-ways, No in-between!!! There is only  Truths or Lies, Faithful or Unfaithful, Good or Bad!!! Just as there is Heaven or Hell, and no place for In-Between or Half-Way People!!!

Matthew 6:22 "The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.
Matthew 6:23 But if your eyes are bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
Luke 11:34 Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness

Ephesians 5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

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