Have you ever thought about the choices you have made down through your life time? More importantly did you stop & think of how your choices would effect others? Or did you have the attitude "It is your life, your choice & no one's business what you do"?
We make decisions & choices, whether good or bad, that effect so many people, not just ourselves. Whether you realize it or not every decision or choice we make affects multitudes of people, from your mate, your children, your family, friends, community & even people from afar that we do not even realize are connected to our future. The decisions or choices we make have the effect of dominoes falling or the snowball rolling down a hill.
A person decides to rob a store out of a selfish or a stupid reason. How many people do you think this will affect? Just the robber & the store owner? WRONG! It causes devastation, fear & financial loss to the store owner & their family. It also causes a fear in the community & the community looses the security of safety of going into that store. This also causes the robber's family to be devastated, humiliated, an embarrassment to the community, shame to show their face in public, not to mention the financial destruction of trying to ensure the robber gets a lawyer & the court cost of a trial. The humiliation of the family goes on forever because people never forget the bad that the robber caused so the family is assumed to be guilty by association.
Someone makes a choice to try alcohol or drugs & they like the feeling it gives them so they do it until it becomes a habit & then that leads to an addiction. As the choice was to just try it then it became like a snowball rolling downhill, it gets bigger & bigger until it is to big to be controlled. Then this person becomes unproductive & unable to maintain a normal life or able to comprehend any normalcy of life, caring for their children, working a job, supporting their family with a place to live, utilities or even food in the home. Who does this affect? Children to start with because they are left to raise themselves with no competent parent, no food to eat, no utilities, no decent clean clothes or shoes because their financial support has gone to support the addictions of their parent. Then the grandparents are devastated & humiliated with the choice plus knowing their grandchildren are suffering & the fear of their safety. The community because of the devastation & humility of that one family & then the fear that choice may invade their families by the influence of that bad choice. But of all of this is the children's humiliation, shame & embarrassment of their parent, the lies & excuses the children tell to cover up the truth about their parent, the neglect & abuse (mental & emotional) that the children have to suffer.
These were just 2 examples of choices that you hear of or see all over the US. What about your selfish choices that you think are so little & harmless?
The kids need school clothes & supplies but Daddy has just got to get that new boat, even tho the budget is to tight to do both? Who is going to suffer for that? The kids don't get new clothes & have to go to school looking like their clothes came out of a second-hand store or garbage dump & they don't have the school supplies, snack money or lunch money, so the kids at school make fun of them & fun of the way they look. Dad isn't the one to be humiliated, ashamed & devastated because he has his new boat to parade in front of his friends.
No matter what the decision or choice, good or bad, large or small, it does effect others, starting with you & the ones closes to you & on down the row from there. So before you make a decision or choice, stop & think about all the people it will effect & how it will effect others. Start thinking of the others instead of putting yourself & your selfishness first before you make a decision or choice. THINK FIRST & PUT YOU LAST!!!
Whether you think it is any one's business or not, you are WRONG!!! If you think you are not affecting others around you, why don't you ask them how your choices affect them & how they are made to feel, if you have the guts to hear the real truth of your choices/decisions.
It is others business because the ones close to you will be paying the price for your stupidity & your selfish decisions & choices!!! THINK FIRST!!!
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