Have you ever thought about the expression "You are what you eat"? The word eat means "to take in or to consume". We all need to take a look & examine ourselves from the inside out. Most of us think of this expression as what we eat, pertaining to the foods we eat, but there is much more to this expression than we realize.
You know if you eat nothing but BAD foods you will become unhealthy, you also know if you eat GOOD foods you will be healthy. We can all agree on this. But have you ever stopped to think of the others ways you can become unhealthy or ensure that you get healthier? You are what you eat/consume not only by the foods you put in your mouth but also the things you see, hear, say, think, feel & associate your self with.
Stop & think about how you spend the majority of your time & what you are allowing yourself to consume during this time.
If a person thinks of nothing but bad thoughts most of their time awake, then you will find a person who stays in a bad mood, negative, bitter & angry. If a person sits around & thinks of all their problems & of all the bad things that has happened to them, then you will find a person in a negative state of mind having their own little pity party. If you find a person who is always feeling sorry for themselves, wanting attention from others & expecting everyone else to make them happy, then you will find a person who is self-center & self-absorbed. If you find a person who is always looking at the good side of every situation (no matter how bad it is), always thinking good & pleasant thoughts, then you will find a positive & happy person. This is not only true for what we think but so much more.
If a person who is consumed with porn then you could be seeing a person with a sex addiction. If a person that is consumed with romance novels & movies, then you could be seeing a person who cannot be happy in a relationship because their relationship doesn't stand up to the fairy tale romances they find in the books & movies, that they consume themselves with. If someone is continually consuming horror movies, horror books, horror games & dabbles in the occult, then you could be seeing a person with a very dark side to them. If you have a friend that continually gossips, you participating by listening to the conversation, & it could suck you into the same mind-thought to become a gossip, all because you were consuming the gossip with your ears. If you live with or associate with a person who constantly uses profanity, you will find that hearing their profanity will eventually slip into your thought & out your mouth.
We are human & creatures of habit. We will eventually find ourselves doing, saying, thinking, feeling & beleiving of the things we allow ourselves to be exposed to & continually consume with our mind, eyes, ears, mouth & heart on a continual basis.
This is also true with the type of people we associate with & hang around with. I have seen people in bars that try to fit in by acting like the crowd in the bars but wouldn't dare act that way in public outside of a bar. I have seen people is church that act so holy but once out of church act like the devil himself. I have seen this in my own life when meeting new people, because I wear blue jeans & boots 7 days a week. One of two things happen: #1; they try to change me into dressing & being like them, or #2; they run out & buy jeans & boots & try to be like me. Be your own self, do NOT be conformed of this world & the people around you!
Everyone would be a better person if we would only step back & examine ourselves, from the inside out on a regular basis. Get rid of the BAD we consume & consume the GOOD. I challenge you to to examine yourself & see if what I have written is true or false, & also to test my observation in your own life.
If you will try this for 30 days you will see a BIG transformation of a healthier, happier & more positive person, that you will come to love & be proud of. You will also see your life transformed into something spectacular.
Please do not take me wrong, "I am far from being perfect"!!! Any of you out there that thinks you are perfect please send me your address so I can come watch you walk on water, heal the sick, end world hunger, make world peace & perform miracles. The only person I know that is that perfect died on the cross because of our ignorance & our love of sin/evil.
So very true. Its hard sometimes to realize, just how much of an impact the world we choose to suround ourselves in, actualy effects us.