Thursday, December 1, 2011

Distractions Leads to Distruction

These past few weeks I have been distracted with everyday problems and life events, causing me to ignore my blog and other aspects of my life. This has caused me to get upset with my self for allowing distractions to cause me to fall short of where my time and focus should have been better spent.
Distractions is anything that prevents us from giving our full attention to something, someone and to God. Distractions is anything that takes our attention and desire away from God and His plan for our life. Distractions cause the perfect plan for our life to be delayed or even destroyed. When we allow distractions into our life then our time and attention is misdirected, and we often miss God's perfect timing for our life. Distractions takes up our energy and time that should be better spent elsewhere. When we allow distractions to take control then we are missing out on the benefits of our time, money, talents and attention, and it leads us down the wrong road in life. We should avoid all distractions that steal from us and prevent us from being productive.
Distractions prevents us from being close to God. The distractions and cares of this world stops us from having a close and personal relationship with God. Distractions pulls us away from God and God's word, and that is why we should avoid all distractions. Distractions makes us unfruitful and unproductive.
Mark 4:18-19. 1st Cor. 7:35.
Satan is the father of all lies and deceitful devices, and he uses distractions to keep us from being productive and away from God. Satan will use anything he can to keep us away from God, to delay or destroy God's plan for our life. 1st Thess. 2:18. Matt. 13:25. Matt. 13:37-43.
Beware of relationships in the world. Your family, friends and mates of the world are one of Satan's main devices of distraction. If they do not serve God, then Satan will use them to keep you distracted and from being productive and away from God and God's plan for your life. James 4:4. 1st John 2:15-16.
We should beware and use our time wisely, NOT waste it or allow distractions to steal it away from us. Our time on this earth is limited, and once it is gone we cannot get it back!!!  Eph. 5:15-17. Col. 4:5-6. John 9:4.
1st Cor. 9:24. Heb. 12:1-2. Matt. 25:21.
"If the Son therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed."
John 8:36.

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