Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas or Xmas?

Humans have distorted, commercialized and abused the True meaning of Christmas, and what God truly intended Christmas to represent and the ultimate gift He gave us, on that first Christmas.
Everyone complains about what Christmas has turned into but it is our own fault that we have destroyed & abused God's intention for the True Christmas. So how you celebrate Christmas comes down to what is truly in your hearts and your idea of the meaning of Christmas.
It is true that some of us have forgotten the true meaning of Christmas; some have taken CHRIST out of CHRISTmas; some say it is a sin to celebrate Christmas with decoration, trees and giving of gifts; some thinks of it as a way to get free stuff from others; and society has majorly commercialized Christmas. Christmas means something different to each of us, but it really comes down to what is truly in our hearts as to how we think of and celebrate Christmas.
Years ago there was no commercialism of Christmas because what few gifts that were given were either handmade or grown by the giver. Today's society has become lazier and lazier, with all the stores and malls so easily accessible, buying and giving gifts of no labor of love, sincere meaning or needed reasoning.
Some people criticize the celebration of Christmas, the trees, the decorations, the lights and the giving of gifts. To each his own, but why put down those who you have no clue as of why or how they celebrate Christmas or even what is in there hearts concerning Christmas?
Remember the first Christmas Eve, God decorated the sky with the Star of Bethlehem and sent an Angel to bring His light of Glory and His Peace, to us unworthy humans. Then God gave us, unworthy humans, the greatest, ultimate gift ever given, "Jesus Christ". When Baby Jesus was born He was given gifts, there was Heavenly music, and unbelievable celebrating. The GREATEST CHRISTMAS ever on this earth, and there will not ever be another Christmas as great as the first Christmas!!!
So as you, your families and your friends celebrate Christmas, stop and think about what the true meaning of Christmas means to you and your children. Think about the true representation of the tree, the decorations, the lights and the gifts you are giving.
The tree is a vertical figure pointing up towards Heaven. It symbolizes strength, renewing of life with each season, and should remind us of the victory of life over death. A tree has a deep spiritual meaning in the Bible.
The star you place on the top of the tree should remind you of  the Star of Bethlehem, pointing us to Jesus. Jesus is the real "Star", just as it should remind us to keep us looking up to Jesus, each and everyday.
The lights should remind us of the Heavenly light brought to us by the Glory of God when Jesus came to us here on this earth, on that first Christmas. Where there is light (God's Glory) there can be no darkness (evil/sin).
The colors of the decorations is really something to stop and think about. The true meaning of the colors are something to embrace, as you decorate for the Christmas season:
Amber - symbolizes the Glory of God
Blue - symbolizes the sky, Heaven and the Holy Spirit
Crimson - symbolizes the blood atonement and sacrifice
Gold - symbolizes the highest and the most precious of all, immortality
Green - symbolizes life and growth
Purple - symbolizes kingship and royalty
Red - symbolizes the color of blood of life
Scarlet - symbolizes blood atonement and sacrifice
Silver - symbolizes the truth
White - symbolizes purity, righteousness, joy, light and victory
The gifts you give, are they meaningless or gifts from the heart? They should be of  heart felt value for the giver as well as the one receiving it. The gifts should represent what is in your heart not how much you could afford to spend. Think of the ultimate gift God gave us, "Jesus", and the gifts that Baby Jesus received on that first Christmas. It should not be the value or the gift its self  but what is truly in your heart. Instead of buying needless and useless gifts for people who already have to much, why not give to the less fortunate who truly need and will appreciate the gifts, you and your heart of kindness.
The holiday feasts are a time to fellowship with friends and family but it is much more than that, if you stop and think about it. When you sit down to your holiday feasts, remember to give thanks for all you do have, and that you are not one of the less fortunate ones who has no food to eat, or no home to stay warm and safe in, or no job to supply them with the necessities of life. We are wasteful people so this year instead of over doing it with our holiday feasts and throwing it out, why not cut back on some of the festive foods for us and donate food to the less fortunate so they and their families may have a holiday meal that they can give thanks for?
Be blessed by blessing others, that's the greatest gift you will receive.

What is the true meaning of Christmas to you and what is truly in your heart concerning Christmas and God? Stop, think, give thanks and celebrate it with the true meaning that God intended it to be celebrated. Give thanks, bless others, and receive the best gift ever "Blessings beyond measure".

I hope each and all have a safe, happy and blessed Christmas and Holiday Season...
and that the true meaning and miracle of Christmas over takes each and every heart out there!!!

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