Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Do you know the real meaning of THANKFUL? Thankful means: to feel gratitude; glad or relieved about something. Ungrateful means: not feeling or showing gratitude, thanks or appreciation; not agreeable or pleasant. Are you THANKFUL or UNGRATEFUL?
No matter how bad we think we have it, when we are going through rough times, there are still things we should be thankful for. Life is a gift, NOT something you can barrow or buy, so be thankful you're alive!
Do you have your sight, hearing, voice, and the ability to move and walk? There are many people who are handicapped, blind, unable to hear or speak, and crippled, so see you are blessed and have a lot to be thankful for if you have all of your health.
Life is a gift, it is NOT owed to you, and you should be thankful every morning that you wake up. You could have died in your sleep, because no one knows when their time will end, so you need to give thanks every morning you are allowed to wake up to another day.
If you are blessed with healthy child/children, you have a reason to be thankful. Think about all the parents whose child has cancer, or some other life-threatening disease, or the one with a crippling disease, or even the parents who has lost their child to death. So be thankful for your healthy and alive child/children, and don't forget to pray for the less fortunate parents in the world.
We often take the house we live in, the food we eat, and the bed we sleep in for granite, not giving it a second thought. There are many people in the U.S. today that are now homeless, to NO fault of their own, but because of the failing economy, loss of jobs, or because of the death of the bread-winner of the family. If you still have a home, food to eat and a bed to sleep in, you have more than alot of people, to be thankful for.
There are many people these days with no job and out beating the bushes looking for work, where ever they can find it. While some people who have jobs, sit and whine and complain, about the pay and their duties at their job. Hello... It is a job NOT a vacation!!! You need to realize you could be one without a job. Be happy you have a job and bring home a paycheck. A small pay check is better than NO paycheck. Be thankful and happy that you are blessed with a job at all, and remember the ones who cannot find work.
Are you one of those who go to fuel their vehicle and complain about the price of the fuel? "Shut-Up and be happy you can afford to put fuel in that vehicle", is what I tell my husband every time he goes to fussing about the price of fuel. There are many people who cannot afford to fix their old vehicle, or afford to buy a vehicle, and couldn't afford to put fuel in a vehicle if they even had one. So shut-up or learn to walk, if you think you should be getting it at a discount or for free. In all reality you should be giving thanks and be thankful that you have a vehicle and can afford to put fuel in it, and you are not having to walk.
Be thankful you are not the one living hooked-up to a kidney machine, or the one taking treatments for cancer, or the one that was only given a few months to live.
Be thankful it is not your child in prison, or your child overseas fighting a war so the U.S. can remain free and keep the fighting overseas and out of the U.S.
Be thankful you are not the one standing there watching your house burn to the ground, along with everything you own.
Be thankful the wreck you witnessed isn't you or one of your family members.
Be thankful you are the one sitting inside a restaurant eating and not the homeless person you watch walk by.
Be thankful for your parents and you were not one of the children living in an orphanage.
Be thankful for the grocery stores and that you don't have to raise your food in a garden, milk a cow for milk and slaughter animals for meat.
Be thankful for having electricity and running water, and that you don't have to use candles and go to the creek or well for water.
Be thankful you will be able to spend your time and the holidays with your family and friends, and you are not the one sitting in a nursing home or somewhere else all alone.
Stop whining and complaining, the world and God doesn't owe you one thing, so be thankful.
Life is a gift so be thankful you are alive, and be thankful that you are blessed with what you have!!!

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