Saturday, October 22, 2011

Self Pity Addiction

Why people had rather wallow in self pity and always having a pity party is beyond me. Why people do the pity party instead of the happy dance, has me bum-fuzzled.
Some people play the role of a victim, so they can justify their self pity party and feeling sorry for them self. Everyone goes through some self pity, at one time or another, but it doesn't seem to last long, and then there are others who continually thrive on their self pity. These obsessive self pity people thrive, enjoy and are addicted to this self pity and feeling sorry for them self thoughts.
This, self pity and feeling sorry for them self, can be overcome and the addiction broken, but you must first want to end this thought process and this behavior.
Occasional self pity is not a problem, but obsessive self pity is an unhealthy problem, for you and the ones around you. Obsessive self pity, feeling sorry for yourself and playing the role of a victim, is an unhealthy pattern of thinking. This unhealthy pattern of thinking can lead to depression and lack of motivation. Self pity takes away a person's enthusiasm and positive actions. A person who thrives on self pity is content with feeling sorry for themselves, instead of making positive changes.
The person, who thrives on and continually stays in the self pity mode, is actually a very selfish and self-centered person. Their focus is all about them self; ME, ME, ME.
A obsessive self pity person can always justify their reasoning for being a victim in their mind. They feel they are a victim and the world should feel sorry for them. They have an obsessive nature of self centered thinking, and always playing the victim role in their heads. Anxiety and depression can also a factor in their self pity party.
Self pity is an addiction and an endless cycle. Self pity is a kind of  escape from reality, it feels good to the person pitting them self, and it lets them obsess about them self (self-centered). Self pity feeds on its self, continually revolving and an endless cycle. The self pity person will isolate them self creating a feeling of loneliness and isolation. That is just another reason for them to pity and to feel sorry for them self, even though they chose to isolate them self. Self pity is also associated with low self esteem and lack of enthusiasm, followed by depression and negativity.
There is a solution to overcoming self pity but you must first be ready to solve the problem, by admitting you have a problem. It takes desire, determination, positive thinking and work to fix the self pity problem. You must be aware of your thought patterns, stand firm and not allow that self pity thought pattern to take over, and work at mental and physical self-improvement. If you find that you feel you can not do this own your own, then you may need to seek professional help.

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