You think you are a real man? Do you guys even have a clue what "A Real Man" is? Ladies do you even know what you are to be looking for in guys so you can find yourselves "A Real Man"? Society's idea of "A Real Man" is deceiving, misleading, a lie and just flat out wrong!!! It isn't someone that has male genitals hanging between their legs running around trying to convince everyone including themselves that they are "A Real Man".
The characteristics of "A Real Man" are very plain and simple, and the bad part is there are very very few real men in the world today. The characteristics of "A Real Man" is not what man can beat on his chest the hardest, who can yell the loudest, who can bully others, who can manipulate, con, cheat, lie and abuse others or who can bench press the most.
Below are the characteristics of "A Real Man":
HUMILITY - Humility demands you know your weaknesses and that you are modest about your strengths, not running around bragging, boasting and parading your strengths trying to convince others just how great "you think you are".
Man's sin nature tells him he is to be sinfully proud, arrogant and boastful. Pride is also another one of man's greatest downfalls. Sinfully proud, arrogance,ego boasting, and misleading pride will always get a man into trouble."A Real Man" does NOT display or act sinfully proud, arrogant, boastful or prideful. 1st Peter 3:6.
A humble man can recognizes the truth that there are more powerful people than he and that God is the only true power that created him and can save him. He recognizes his own weaknesses and failings. He recognizes where praise is due and not to himself. "A Real Man" has the maturity to be humble and meek.
MEEKNESS - Meekness is NOT weakness! It is the combination of humility and trust. The meek man understands his own limits and relies on God who is more powerful.
"A Real Man" is meek and submits (follows and obeys) to authority and the authority of God, who will give him strength and courage. Meekness is the key to "Victory". James 4:7.
STRENGTH and COURAGE - Strength and courage will come from and rise out of meekness. This is not physical strength or physical courage. The strength of mind and emotions will bring out fearless courage.
Strength and courage will mark "Real Men". The strength and courage is there because "A Real Man" is part of a mission and willing to stand up for what is right, be counted, and sacrifice himself if need be. "A Real Man" is honest at all times no matter what.
LEADERSHIP - "A Real Man" knows he is going in the right direction and leads others. A leader has convictions and he inspires others. Guys who father a child outside of marriage are NOT real men. Guys who shack up with a woman instead of marrying her is NOT real men. Guys who do NOT lead their families in the right direction legally, ethically, morally and religiously are NOT real men.
Leadership is the mark of "A Real Man". Leadership does NOT mean dictatorship. Real men lead by example and persuasion, NOT by power or threats. 1st Tim. 3:5; Titus 1.
Leadership demands other characteristics of "A Real Man"; mentor/teacher.
MENTOR/TEACHER - Mentoring is a process of passing on the TRUE characteristics of "A Real Man". Real men mentor and sharpen other men. "A Real Man" mentors and trains his children in the right way to go and lifestyle. A father/real man will mentor/teach and lead his children by example of all the characteristics of "A Real Man" - humility, meekness, strength, courage, leadership and integrity. Deut. 6:4-9; Eph. 6:3,4; Col. 4:21; 1st Tim. 3:4,5.
INTEGRITY - Integrity is moral soundness and wholeness. "A Real Man" with integrity is honest, he keeps his word, and he holds fast to his principles, no matter what. He stands firm and does not waver. He who walks in integrity walks securely, but he who perverts his ways will be found out. Prov. 10:9.
Integrity is important in everything; our lives, socially, and in business. Your integrity is important as "A Real Man" so that others knows that you can be trusted and dependable.
"A Real Man" keeps his promises, practices what he preaches and does NOT lie.
PROVIDER - "A Real Man" works and provides for his family. Provider doesn't just mean financially but also looking out for and caring for his families needs physically, emotionally, and mentally. "A Real Man" is not lazy and does not look for a handout. Tim. 5:8; Thess. 3:10-13.
"A Real Man lives a disciplined life, providing for his family and others. Eph. 4:28.
FRIEND - A friend is a friend in the truest sense, not someone who has a lot of acquaintances. "A Real Man" is a friend to his wife, loving her more than himself, giving up himself for her, and putting her first before himself and all others. "A Real Man" puts God first and then his wife second. That is a sacrificial love, putting God and his wife before himself.
The bottom line is that "A Real Man" is a Godly man because an ungodly a man CANNOT do what "A Real Man" is to do, not without God and God's help. Psalms 15:1-5.
"A Real Man" has the same characteristics as in Jesus - humility, mentoring, integrity, provider, friend, honesty. If you want to be "A Real Man" you need to become like Jesus. Romans 8:29.
You guys without Jesus may be able to develop some of these characteristics to a small degree, but you will never be "A Real Man" until you come to know Jesus and His characteristics start taking over your sinful characteristics of societies ideas of what a real man is.
Characteristics of "A Real Man"